Setup-Dialogs - Own BannerBitmap and SplashBitmap


With setup projects provides with Visual studio I want to have my own bitmaps. In addition it is necessary in every dialogue to integrate own bitmap about the file explorer. This article describes like this is made unique in general for all setup projects.


The BannerBitmap


The SplashBitmap


With a lot of setup to projects the production with Visual studio is complete enough. Then the purchase of special software for this is too expensive. Nevertheless, should receive dialoge a professional appearance.

Where the dialogues are deposited

The dialogues are in localised subdirectories from:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\Tools\Deployment\VsdDialogs

Own BannerBitmap

For Neutral in the subdirectory 0 and for German in the subdirectory in 1031.

The normally used bitmaps are deposited in the file VsdUserInterface.wim.


If they open the file VsdUserInterface.wim with Orca and they click in the table Binary in the line DefBannerBitmap the field Data.

A dialogue in them opens to itself her own banner bitmap can select and integrate.

This bitmap must have 542 x 63 pixels.

Own SplashBitmap

If they lay in VsdUserInterface.wim in the table Binary a new entry DefSplashBitmap.

If they select in the dialogue her SplashBitmap and they integrate this with it.

This bitmap must have 477 x 318 pixels.

If they carry out in the dialogues VsdSplashDlg.wid and VsdAdminSplashDlg.wid the following changes.


In the table Control and the line SplashForm they change the field of attribute in 1 and the field Text in DefSplashBitmap.


Indians table ModuleConfiguration give them in the line SplashBitmap in the field DefaultValue the text DefSplashBitmap.

Final remark

These changes must carry out them in every used linguistic subdirectory.


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