See introduction for inportant information BEFORE downloading any files.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This code and example this article describes is now BETA stage code, and as such may be below commercial or otherwise quality standards. It is recommended this code is not used for projects of short deadline, and that code modifications are kept to a minimum to reduce later work when the included source and binaries are updated. Please only use this code for minor projects currently, and check back for soon to come updates. This code DOES WORK however does not have all functionality added yet, such as some event handlers and other 'expected' features. Feel free to contact myself via email or otherwise for bug reports and feature requests. Thank you.
This article presents a library for producing Microsoft Office 2007 style ribbon interfaces; while the included source and binaries are in BETA release, it should be possible to implement even the most complex of ribbon style interfaces (albeit with minor alterations). Currently the library does not support creation of ribbon controls via WPF XAML code, however requires the creation of the ribbon bar via C# code behind.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: To use this code you must agree to the licensing agreement and guidelines as set out by Microsoft. While the Office UI Guidelines are not currently legally required as the library owner and creator I am enforcing compilence with the guidelines, YOU MUST CONFORM. Part of these guidlines includes the requirement that you MUST have other components which are currently NOT part of this library; I in no way imply or otherwise that this library is sufficient for quilification for the Microsoft Office UI license. Ensuring you have these other components is YOUR responsibility. By downloading the source code or by using the source code you have agreed to follow download and follow the Microsoft required guidelines.
Please note that many of the screen shots are rather old, I will endevour to update them at some stage however try the demo as that will give you the latest look and feel. Please note they will be updated for version of the library.
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Ribbon bar control C# library
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